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Uloren (5e Race)

184 bytes added, 00:04, 4 October 2019
no edit summary
<!-- The creature's race is quite mysterious. Not one story is exactly the same, and it is kept as a secret amongst a very tight knit community. They are nomadic in nature, with no real influences to other communities and species. -->Their young are quite gifted, and their old not so frail. Always cloaked in garments of the Uloren, an Uloran would never be caught baring its skin. Or whatever flesh is contained beyond that barrier of clothing. The Uloren have only 4 fingers. A thumb, and three of the pointed.
=== <!-- very short or stereotypical description of the physical characteristics of the raceTall, like "Fluffy and Pink" --> Lean, Big Headed, 4 Fingered ===
<!-- Insert here your race's average height, weight, skin color, eye color, and other such physical features which might include forms of common clothing, typical gear and posturing. -->
<!--{{5e h w|Race|baseHeight|hightMod|baseWeight|weightMod|optWvg}} base height & weight -->
=== <!-- very short or stereotypical description of the personality of the race, like "Always Manic" --> ===

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