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Student of Kendo (3.5e Feat)

1 byte added, 07:43, 14 September 2019
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:Finally, you gain the ability to invoke a ''shinai smite'' as a swift action, which allow you to add your character level on the damage of the next attack with a ''shinai'' made within the round. However the ''shinai'' used to deliver the attack immediately gain the [[Broken (3.5e Condition)|broken]] condition if the attack hit.
* '''Character Level 8th''': You unlock the mystical power of the ''shinai''! Once per day as a full-round action you may grant a ''shinai'' a number of special ability worth up to +2 (a single +2 or two +1 abilities), these abilities last for 24 hours and only work while wielded by you. The special ability limit increase by +1 at every 4th level after 8th, up to a maximum of +5 at level 20th. If a ''shinai'' enhanced by this ability is broken by the use of a ''shinai smite'', it deal an additional 2d6 per point of special ability placed on it.
* '''Character Level 15th''': You are a true master of kendo, gaining incredible defensive abilities. Once per round you may automatically deflect a single melee or ranged attack aimed at you, doing so cause the ''shinai'' used to block the attack immediately gain the [[Broken (3.5e Condition)|broken]] condition if the attack would have been a hit otherwise.
|special=A character with this feat may take weapon specific feats (such as [[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]]) with ''shinai'', she even count half her character level as an effective fighter level for the purpose of qualifying for such feat. If she has level in fighter or such classes, she add half her non-fighter level to her effective fighter level for qualifying for such feat.}}

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