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Vaelza (3.5e Race)

1 byte added, 06:27, 2 September 2019
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* The Vaelza have both Darkvision and Low-Light Vision of to 60ft in both from living in deep oceans with little light.
* Vaelza [[SRD:Base Land Speed|base land speed]] is 30 feet. Since their body is highly amorphous swimming is a simple task for them, being an amphibious race. Swim speed is 30 feet.
* Racial [[SRD:Hit Dice (Creature Statistic)|Hit Dice:]] A Vaelza begins with four six levels of [[SRD:Outsider Type|Outsider]], which provide 4d8 6d8 [[SRD:Hit Dice|Hit Dice]], a [[SRD:Base Attack Bonus|base attack bonus]] of +23, and base [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throw]] bonuses of Fortitude +4, Reflex +2, and Will +4.
*Racial [[SRD:Skills (Creature Statistic)|Skills:]] A Vaelza’s [[SRD:Outsider Type|Outsider]] levels give it [[SRD:Skill Points|skill points]] equal to 5 x (6 + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier, minimum 1). Its [[SRD:Class|class]] skills are : bluff, control shape, craft (technology), diplomacy, intimidate, knowledge (technology), listen, gather information, and sense motive.
* Racial [[SRD:Feats (Creature Statistic)|Feats:]] A Vaelza’s [[SRD:Outsider Type|Outsider]] hit dice give it two three [[SRD:Feats|feats]] and may take [[Xenotheric (3.5e Feat Type)|xenotheric feats]]
'''Corrosion Resistant Body {{Ex}}:''' Due to their already acidic nature they are immune to all but the most potent acids and corrosive agents, granting them 10 resistance to anything that deals acid damage.

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