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Vaelza (3.5e Race)

267 bytes added, 21:30, 22 August 2019
Racial Traits
* '''Ankles:''' By spending 1 bio-energy charge, A Vaelza can boost their movement speed for 1d6 Rounds, gaining and extra 10ft for every two class levels rounded down. While boosted then also gain a +6 Bonus to Jump and Acrobatics Checks, allowing them to jump and vault over obstacles much easier due to their amorphous bodies becoming more elastic and using energy to make their cells bounce around. ( They are basically hyper sentient flubber, in this mode)
'''Amorphous Body {{Ex}}:''' A Vaelza can, as a full round action melt into a puddle of goo ( Even temporarily changing the density of their Heart Crystals) to move through Tiny cracks and holes. They begin to enter the crack, hole, or other small entrance way on the next round. Their 60 ft Darkvision is replaced by 20 30 ft blindsight but and they become immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight. It is immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. It is not subject to critical hits or flanking. Vaelza are also covered in a slick phlegm of liquid at all times, making them a hard target to grapple or or hold in place. If a grapple is initiated on them they get a +6 to breaking free or resisting the grapple, seeing as how they could simply liquefy to escape.
'''Bodily Digestion {{Ex}}:''' Anything a Vaelza touches or holds slowly dissolves as its body feeds on whatever it comes in contact with, dealing 1d4 points of acid damage each round of contact. This is because of the body is flooded with digestive magical enzymes that break down matter on a molecular level. It does harm rock, wood, and glass but not metals. This ability can be repressed with a mental action.

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