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Vaelza (3.5e Race)

2 bytes added, 02:06, 22 August 2019
Physical Description
===Physical Description===
Vaelza has have a seemingly humanoid body which seems to be made of a Non-Newtonian substance like thick slime or gel with high energy and elasticity. Unlike other slime races or oozes, the Vaelza has a number of Crystal Orbs and Ovals called Heart Crystals adorned in their form. There is the Heart Core in the torso area, with a crown of them above their head, and a ring of them around the wrists and ankles. Vaelza also have a prehensile tail that can pick up objects and manipulate them, with some fine manipulation to their motions. The Males and Females also have distinct and fair fairly obvious traits, as the females and are voluptuous and curvy whereas the males will be less curvy and bulkier than their female counterparts. Do not be surprised if you see a tentacle or two, as how Vaelza are Omnifarious and have a high level shapeshifting ability as a natural trait.

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