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Vaelza (3.5e Race)

2 bytes added, 01:54, 22 August 2019
The Vaelza
==The Vaelza==
[[Summary::A race of Humanoid Slime Lifeforms from A Super Earth covered in Water]]
Far away in the vast expanses of space floats the Planet Xeqrai. A Super Earth that is the crown jewel of its solar system. With over 70% of the surface covered in a vast ocean that spans miles deep, there is only one solid yet massive landmass that blemishes the nigh-perfect blue marble of the system. If you were to pass by this planet, on the surface you would not think very much of the place, aside from its beauty and over abundance of resources. Dive beneath the ocean’s wave, however, and venture into the deep. There would would find vast underwater city that shine like gemstones against the seafloor. Gleaming advanced technology and full of life that surrounds them, this is the home of the Vaelza. A race of Amorphous Non-Newtonian Lifeforms that can alter their bodies and will and use their intelligence and natural abilities to life in harmony with the world around them.

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