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Levitate, Hostile (3.5e Spell)

306 bytes added, 01:48, 21 August 2019
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As a standard action you may violently smash the target against the ground with great force, dealing 1d6 damages per caster level (or d10 damage in heavy gravity), to a maximum of 1d6 damage per 5 feet the creature was above ground (max 20d6). This stack with actual falling damage dealt by the fall. Doing so end the spell and the target must make a DC 15 [[SRD:Balance Skill|Balance]] check or fall prone. If another creature is below the target when it is smashed against the ground, it must make a [[Reflex]] save or take the crash damage as well.
If you cast this spell in a slot two level higher, you may make it Mass Hostile Levitate, which affect all creature in a 20-ft.-radius spread. You may exclude any number of creature as a full-round action. You alter the altitude of all target at the same time, or an individual creature as a move action.

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