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Eldritch Capture (3.5e Invocation)

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As you use this invocation you channel your eldritch powers through your hairs or shadow, causing it to reach out for a a prey to catch and ensnare. As part of invoking, make a single grapple attempt against a creature within your reach +10 feet, it provoke an attack of opportunity as normal if you are within reach. If the touch attack is successful you make the grapple check using your effective invoking class level as your BAB and your [[Charisma]] as your [[Strength]] modifier if better than your normal grapple bonus. If you initiate the grapple you may use this invocation's grapple bonus for the duration of the grapple or 1 round/level, whichever is shorter.
If you possess the [[Very High Bloodline Warlock (3.5e Class)|Abomination, Abyssal, Shadow or Yuan-Ti Bloodline]] you gain an additional +4 bonus on your grapple attempts for the duration of the invocation. The shape and appearance of the invocation change to match your bloodline.

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