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Yuan-ti (5e)

1,058 bytes added, 20:16, 24 May 2019
{{5epointer|Monster Manual (5e)}}
''Exerpt from the {{pub|Monster Manual (5e)}}:''

"Yuan-ti are devious serpent folk devoid of compassion... [They] were once humans who ... worshiped serpents... [They were] reaching ever higher in prayer to the [serpent] gods they longed to emulate...the serpent gods heard those prayers...[and yuan-ti began] indulging in cannibalism and humanoid sacrifice... Through...sorcery, the yuan-ti bred with snakes...sacrificing their humanity to become like the serpent gods in form...thought and emotion.

The yuan-ti empires withered or were defeated by those who fought against their cannibalism and slavery...

...yuan-ti don't love the gods they worship...They see worship as a means to attain power...[believing that with] enough power can devour and replace one of the yuan-ti gods. The yuan-ti ...are willing to commit the darkest atrocities to achieve it."

{{5e Monster Articles|Yuan-ti}}
{{5e Monster Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:5e Monsters]]
[[Category:5e Humanoids]]
[[Category:5e Yuan-ti]]
{{#set: Type=Overview}}

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