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V (3.5e NPC)

4,397 bytes added, 03:21, 13 May 2019
Nightmare is complete. Only Shadow to go.
|summary=V's most talkative familiar.
|race=Dungeonbred Thunderbird
|al=TN |size=Large |type=[[SRD:Magical Beast|Magical Beast]]
|init=+4 |listen=+23 |spot=+27
|race=Shadow [[SRD:Phasm|Phasm]]|al=TN |size=Medium |type=[[SRD:Aberration|Aberration]]|init= +6 |listen= +21 |spot=+21|ac= 25 |touch= 12 |flat=23|acmods=+13 natural, +2 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]|hp= 120 |hd=16d8+48|fort= +14 |ref= +13 |will=+14|spd=45 ft.|bab= +12 |grp=+15|str=16 |dex=15 |con=16 |int=16 |wis=15 |cha=10|feats=[[False Swipe (3.5e Feat)|False Swipe]] (always to 0 hp; Bonus Feat),
{{Stat Block 2
|summary=V's most destructive familiar.|name=Nightmare|race=[[Botforged (3.5e Template)|Botforged]] [[Eiji Variant Clay Golem (3.5e Monster)|Clay Golem]]|al= TN |size= Large |type=[[SRD:Construct|Construct]]|subtypes=[[Bot (3.5e Subtype)|Bot]]|init= +0 |listen= +0 |spot=+0|senses=Darkvision 60ft., low-light vision|ac= 25 |touch= 9 |flat=25|acmods=+16 natural, -1 size|hp= 190 |hd=16d10+30|othhp=DR 10/[[SRD:Adamantine|Adamantine]] and Bludgeoning|immune=Immunity to Magic|sa=Cursed Wound, Shape Weapon, Programs|sq=[[Bot (3.5e Subtype)|Bot Traits]], [[SRD:Construct|Construct Traits]]|fort= +5 |ref= +5 |will=+5|spd=30 ft.|bab= +12 |grp=+24|melee1=Slam +19 (2d10+8)|melee2=2 Slams +19 (2d10+8)|ranged1=Ocular Laser (15ft cone or line) (8d6) (DC 15 Reflex save)|ranged2=Ocular Laser (Ranged Touch Attack) +12 (8d6) (60ft.)|str=26 |dex=10 |con=- |int=- |wis=11 |cha=1|feats=[[False Swipe (3.5e Feat)|False Swipe]] (always to 0 hp; Bonus Feat), [[Ocular Laser (3.5e Feat)|Ocular Laser]] (Bonus Feat)|skills=-|san1=Programs|sad1=Attack, Identify Creature, Reposition
''*Loud, slightly mechanical roaring, lasers being fired, and subsequent explosions*''
'''Change Shape {{Su}}:''' Nightmare can adjust its shape, size, and texture as if using ''[[SRD:Alter Self|alter self]]'' to assume the form of any small, medium, or large construct, giant, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid. However because Nightmare does not speak and because the disguise is of rough quality, creatures may make a Sense Motive check (DC 26) to realize the creature is not what it seems.
'''Cursed Wound {{Ex}}:''' Fragments of Nightmare get inside wounds and become difficult to remove. The damage Nightmare deals doesn’t heal naturally and resists healing spells. A character attempting to cast a conjuration (healing) spell on a creature damaged by Nightmare must succeed on a caster level check (DC 31), or the spell has no effect on the injured character.
'''Extraordinary Health {{Ex}}:''' Nightmare recieves maximum hit points per HD.
'''Immunity to Magic {{Ex}}:''' Nightmare is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against Nightmare, as noted below.
A ''[[SRD:Move Earth|move earth]]'' spell drives Nightmare back 120 feet and deals 3d12 points of damage to it.
A ''[[SRD:Disintegrate|disintegrate]]'' spell slows Nightmare (as the ''[[SRD:Slow|slow]]'' spell) for 1d6 rounds and deals 1d12 points of damage.
An ''[[SRD:Earthquake|earthquake]]'' spell cast directly at Nightmare stops it from moving on its next turn and deals 5d10 points of damage. Nightmare gets no saving throw against any of these effects.
Any magical attack against Nightmare that deals acid damage heals 1 point of damage for every 3 points of damage it would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause Nightmare to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. For example, Nightmare getting hit by the breath weapon of a black dragon heals 7 points of damage if the attack would have dealt 22 points of damage. Nightmare gets no saving throw against magical attacks that deal acid damage.
'''Shape Weapon {{Ex}}:''' As a swift action, Nightmare can transform one of its hands into any light or one handed melee weapon. It is proficient in its shaped weapon, but not in other weapons. It adopts the damage, critical threat range, and other properties of this weapon as normal. It may make up to its full BAB in attacks and even enchant the shaped weapon with magical effects (either through magic providing a temporary buff, or a permenant enhancement). If the shaped weapon is enhanced it retains its enhancements in whatever shape it is currently in, provided it is still valid. For example a ''+1 vorpal shaped weapon'' can only use its vorpal property when duplicating a slashing weapon.
While using a shaped weapon, it does not have access to its hand and takes a -2 on skill checks involving the use of hands. Certain tasks may become impossible. It retains this ability even in a changed shape, making them surprising assassins if given the right orders.
{{3.5e NPCs Breadcrumb}}

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