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|save=No (Target is Helpless)
|todev=2,300,000 gp, 30 days, 32,000 XP. Seed: [[SRD:Transform (Epic Spell Seed)|''Transform'']] ([[SRD:DC|DC]] 25400). Factors: No verbal component (+50 [[SRD:DC|DC]]), Reduce casting time to 1 Round (+150 [[SRD:DC|DC]]. Mitigating factors: golden sand magic circle, costs 250,000 gp (-10 [[SRD:DC|DC]]), burn 1,000 XP (-10 [[SRD:DC|DC]]), up to 6 additional casters contributing one 9th-level spell slot (-50 [[SRD:DC|DC]] for each additional caster).
|summary=This spell allows you to merge with one creature, acquiring all of its abilities and advantages, without losing any of yours, or gaining disadvantages.