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Merge Entity (3.5e Epic Spell)

84 bytes added, 18:23, 12 April 2019
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|todev=2,300,000 gp, 30 days, 32,000 XP. Seed: [[SRD:Transform (Epic Spell Seed)|''Transform'']] ([[SRD:DC|DC]] 25). Factors: No verbal component (+50 [[SRD:DC|DC]]), Reduce casting time to 1 Round (+150 [[SRD:DC|DC]]. Mitigating factors: golden sand magic circle, costs 250,000 gp (-10 [[SRD:DC|DC]]), burn 1,000 XP (-10 [[SRD:DC|DC]]), up to 6 additional casters contributing one 9th-level spell slot (-50 [[SRD:DC|DC]] for each additional caster).
|summary=This spell allows you to merge with one creature, aquiring acquiring all of its abilities and advantages, without losing any of yours , or gaining disadvantages.
In the magic circle , 10 meters in diameter , there is two smaller circles, called reciever Receiver and the sourceSource. In the reciever Receiver circle must stand the creature/person that will gain all benefits, and in the source circle Source Circle must be a creature from which reciever Receiver will steal everything. Source creature Creature must be rendered helpless, but not dead. Reciever Receiver must be the main caster. Additional casters must be right outside the circle in equal distance distances from each other. All casters must to succeed at Spellcraft DC 50, or spell will fail.
After 10 minutes long chanting is done, reciever Receiver will gain all the creature's higher physical Ability Scores (Str, Dex, Con), all spell-like abilities, extraordinary and supernatural characteristics, some energy, as well as most personal/natural skill/Feat to that creature. Receiver will not gain any memories, skills or mental Ability Scores of the Source creature Creature. This spell does not affect Level Adjustment, racial template, and do not transfer XP (HD / Class Levels), but does change CR. Source Creature dies, and remind dessicated mummy.
Reciever will not gain Sorce creature cannot have any memoriesDivine Ranks, skills or mental Ability Scores as Divinity itself is enough of a protection from the source creature. This effects of this spell does not affect Level Adjustment, and do not transfer XP (HD / Class Levels), but does change CRin itself.
Sorce creature cannot have any Divine RanksIf the Source Creature is an abberation, as Divinity itself is enough of a protection from the effects success rate of this spell in itselfis reduced by 50%.
If the source creature Source Creature is an abberationoutsider, reduce success rate of this spell is reduced by 50the creature's HD. Sucess rate to merge with a generic Succubus(6 HD) will be ~94%.
If the source creature is an outsiderSource Creature have more than one racial template, reduce spell's success rate by the creaturehalf for each additional template. For example if Source Creature is Demonic, Fey and Draconic(for some reason), spell's HD. Sucess success rate to merge with a generic Succubus(6 HD) will be ~94only 25%.
If the source creature have more than one racial template, reduce spells success rate by half for each additional template. For example if source creature is Demonic, Fey and Draconic Source Creature been the Receiver of this(For some reasonor similar)spell previously, spell's success rate will be only of this spell is reduced by 25%.
As a minor negative side effect, reciever Receiver will recieve recrive some visual characteristics of the source creatureSource Creature. Such as skin/eye/hair color, claws, fangs, horns, etc. The more source creature Source Creature is different in its form from the recieverReceiver, the more deformities reciever Receiver will get. Recieving Stealing aberration's abilities may result in reciever Receiver looking like an abberation himself.
Reciever Receiver may get benefits of such a spell safely only once, if performed second time, success rate is only 10less than 25%. If reciever Receiver have a higher stats, or already possess some of the source creatureSource Creature's abilities, they will not change. Source creature must not been the reciever of this spell previously. Any temporary effects will not be transfered.
Failing to cast the spell will result in the recieverReceiver's uncontrollable, crippling, possibly fatal, mutation, death of additional casters, and 12d12 damage to source creatureSource Creature.
The changes are permanent, and resulted creature is the new natural state for the recieverReceiver. It cannot be undone even with Miracle/Wish spell, and the source creature Source Creature can be revived only by True Resurrection, Miracle or Wish spellspells, even then , revived will be a cripple, without stolen abilities, and have in need of a lot of wish/miracle spells to regain at least some of them.
Variant Rule: If Reciever Receiver is Undead, undead source creature Source Creature is allowed, but in this case, living creatures is not allowed.
''XP Cost: 5000 XP''<br>
''RecieverReceiver:'' LVL 1 Human Sorcerer with STR 12, DEX 13, CON 18, INT 14, WIS 15, CHA 18, No other abilities.<br>
''Source:'' Leshay (as described in the source book)<br>
''Possible Result:'' LVL 1 Human Sorcerer with STR 21, DEX 45, CON 37, INT 14, WIS 15, CHA 18, Elf Traits, all of Leshay's spell-like abilities, Gaze, Leshay weapons, Immortality, most natural skill for Leshay is Superior Two-Weapon Fighting with Leshay weapons. Whites of the eyes became black and ears changed form to that of Leshay.<br>

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