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''Source:'' Leshay (as described in the source book)<br>
''Possible Result:'' LVL 1 Human Sorcerer with STR 21, DEX 45, CON 37, INT 14, WIS 15, CHA 18, Elf Traits, all of Leshay's spell-like abilities, Gaze, Leshay weapons, Immortality, most natural skill for Leshay is Superior Two-Weapon Fighting with Leshay weapons. Whites of the eyes became black and ears changed form to that of Leshay.
''Revived Leshay:'' Leshay STR 12, DEX 13, CON 18, INT 33, WIS 23, CHA 47, Mortal, Elf Lifespan, with half of lifespan remaining. No other abilities.