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|summary=This spell allows you to merge with one creature, aquiring all of its abilities and advantages, without losing any of yours or gaining disadvantages.
In the magic circle 10 meters in diameter there is two smaller circles, called reciever and the source. In the reciever circle must stand the creature/person that will gain all benefits, and in the source circle must be a creature from which reciever will take all. Source creature must be helpless, but not dead. Reciever must be the main caster. Additional casters must be right outside the circle in equal distance from each other. All casters must to succeed at Spellcraft DC 50, or spell will fail with unimaginable consequences for all participants.
''XP Cost: 3500 XP''
'''Example:'''<br>''Reciever: '' LVL 1 Human Sorcerer with STR 12, DEX 13, CON 18, INT 14, WIS 15, CHA 18, No other abilities.<br>''Source: '' Leshay (as described in the source book)<br>''Possible Result: '' LVL 1 Human Sorcerer with STR 21, DEX 45, CON 37, INT 14, WIS 15, CHA 18, Elf Traits, all of Leshay's spell-like abilities, Gaze, Leshay weapons, Immortality, most natural skill for Leshay is Superior Two-Weapon Fighting with Leshay weapons. Whites of the eyes became black and ears changed form to that of Leshay.