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'''''{{Anchor|Point Ray}}'' {{Sp}}:''' Raycasters gain a simple blast ability they may use at will as a standard action, dealing 1d6 points of magic damage + 1 point per class level out to a range of 50 ft (not including the benefits of Longshot). They may enhance themselves to apply weapon enhancements to this spell-like ability like it was a manufactured ranged weapon. It counts as a spell level equal to 1/2 your class level (minimum 1st).
The raycaster can spontaneously convert spell slots into a stronger point ray blast. As a free action they consume a spell slot and gain +2d6 damage per level of the spell consumed to their point ray attack (maximum +18d6 at 9th level spells).
'''{{Anchor|Variable Casting}}:''' Raycasters can choose to base their spellcasting off of [[Intelligence]], [[Wisdom]], or [[Charisma]], and gain minor benefits based on the ability score selected. Once chosen this ability cannot be changed.