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Circus Performer (3.5e Feat)

206 bytes added, 20:05, 8 February 2019
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|summary=You have performed in a circus and have learned tricks of the trade, you have a large palette of skills and many abilities when dealing with perils.
|prereqs=[[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] (Any) and [[SRD:Tumble Skill|Tumble]] 4 Ranks,
|fluff=You have performed in a circus and have learned tricks of the trade, you have a large palette of skills and many abilities when dealing with perils.
|benefit= Archetype Feat Bonus are based on Character Level:
* '''Character Level 1st''': You gain a +2 bonus on [[SRD:Balance Skill|Balance]], [[SRD:Climb Skill|Climb]], [[SRD:Escape Artist Skill|Escape Artist]], [[SRD:Handle Animal Skill|Handle Animal]], [[SRD:Jump Skill|Jump]], [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] and [[SRD:Tumble Skill|Tumble]] skills and these skills are always class skill for you. Additionally choose three of these skills, you gain automatic ranks in those skills as you level without needing to spend skill points, if you had ranks in those skill they are reimbursed. Additionally as long as are conscious you reduce any fall you take by an effective 5 feet per character level you have. * '''Character Level 3rd''': While wearing light or no armor and carrying less than a medium load you gain a +10 increase to your land speed and the ability to automatically succeed on your first 10 feet of any movement including [[SRD:Balance Skill|Balance]], [[SRD:Climb Skill|Climb]] or [[SRD:Tumble Skill|Tumble]] as long as you remained unburdened. Additionally as long as are conscious Finally you reduce any fall you take by an effective 5 feet per character level you havegain the [[Jester (3.5e Class)#Power Slide|Power Slide]] ability of a [[Jester (3.5e Class)|Jester]]. * '''Character Level 8th''': You are to stand and balance yourself in places others cannot, you gain the ability of a [[Wirefighting Monk (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)|Wirefighting Monk]] of your character level which stack with the actual class feature. You also now gain the ability to [[Hyper Jump (3.5e Creature Ability)|Hyper Jump]]. * '''Character Level 15th''': You are capable of extreme feats of acrobatics and legerdemainable to perform an almost impossible stunt, for 2 rounds per level once per day whenever an effect would harm or kill you you may place yourself under the effect of [[SRD:Freedom of Movement|''freedom of movement'']] as do an extraordinary abilityimpossible escape. The uses of those rounds need not to be consecutiveYou ignore any damage or effect from the attack, and reappear within 60 feet completely unharmed. Your This ignore any barrier, magical or mundane and may suppress or resume this ability be done as a free action. |special= If you ever stop qualifying for this feat, you can trade it for another archetype feat you meet usable outside of your own turn even after knowing the result of the prerequisitesattack.

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