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Verdant Channeler (3.5e Class)

2,005 bytes added, 17:57, 29 December 2018
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|special2=[[#Verdant Sense|Verdant Sense]] (''Survival''), [[#Woodland Stride|Woodland Stride]] {{!!}} 2
|special3=[[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]], [[#Trackless Step|Trackless Step]] {{!!}} 3
|special4=[[#Advanced Vine Maneuver|Advanced Vine Maneuver]], [[#Verdant Sense|Verdant Sense]] (''Speak with Plants''), [[#Vital Resistance|Vital Resistance]] {{!!}} 4
|special5=[[#Verdant Transformation|Verdant Transformation]] {{!!}} 5
|special6=[[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]], [[#Invocation|Lesser Invocation]] {{!!}} 6
''Fey Heritage:'' You access the Green through you ancestry, much like a warlock do with theirs. You count as a [[SRD:Fey Type|Fey]] for the purpose of meeting prerequisites and gain an additional Invocation known at 1st, 5th, 10th and 20th level. You may select these Invocation from either the Warlock list or the Verdant Channeler's list.
'''{{Anchor|Vine Lash}} {{SuEx}}:''' A 1st level Verdant Channeler can call an army of vines at her service, she gain two vine lashes feral strikes (profile below), meaning she may use them for two-weapon fighting or as a two-handed weapon. The vine feral strike may strike creature 15 feet away but do not threaten them. The Verdant Channeler may use her [[Dexterity]] instead of [[Strength]] for the purpose of calculating attack and damage roll with your vine lash. She Finally this ability count as the [[SRD:Improved Unarmed Strike|Improved Unarmed Strike]] feat for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.  The verdant channeler may perform actions with her vine lash from 15 feet away just like if they were her hands, with the exception of wielding weapons or activating magic items. Finally this ability When she move objects with her vine lashes, she count her effective [[Strength]] modifier as the equal to her [[Wisdom]] or [[SRD:Improved Unarmed Strike|Improved Unarmed StrikeCharisma]] feat , this only apply to checks made with her vine lash, like forcing a door open or calculating her carrying capacity for lifting an object off the purpose of meeting prerequisitesground.
{{3.5e Mundane Weapon
'''{{Anchor|Vine Grapple}} {{Ex}}:''' A Verdant Channeler is extremely skilled when it come to grappling her foes with her vine lashes. She may use her class level instead of base attack bonus and her [[Charisma]] or [[Wisdom]] instead of [[Strength]], both for calculating her grapple bonus with her vine lashes. She may also attempt to grapple at range, if successful she pull them into her square as normal.
'''{{Anchor|Verdant Sense}} {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd level Verdant Channeler possess an innate link to nature, she gain a +4 bonus on [[SRD:Survival Skill|Survival]] check as long as plants exist in the biome she attempt her [[SRD:Survival Skill|Survival]] check in. She may take 15 on [[SRD:Survival Skill|Survival]] checks in such circumstances.
'''{{Anchor|Trackless Step}} {{Ex}}:''' At 3rd level a Verdant Channeler gain Trackless as the [[SRD:Druid|Druid]]'s ability of the same name.
'''{{Anchor|Advanced Vine Maneuver}} {{Ex}}:''' A 4th level Verdant Channeler gain several special maneuver she can use with her Vine Lash while grappling. She can use one of the maneuvers listed below as a swift action once per round against a creature she is grappling.
: ''Crushing Grip:'' The verdant channeler make an opposed grapple check against the grappled character, if she succeed she deal damage to a single piece of equipment in the creature's possession equal to her vine lash damage, ignoring 1 point of hardness per class level.
: ''Ground Smash:'' The verdant channeler make an opposed grapple check against the grappled character, if she succeed the grappled character take vine lash damage plus an additional 1d6 damage and fall [[SRD:Prone|prone]]. The verdant channeler may end the grapple, leaving the target in a square of her choice within her reach.
: ''Strangling Vine:'' The verdant channeler make an opposed grapple check against the grappled character, if she succeed she deal 2d6 non-lethal damage and make the target [[SRD:Fatigued|Fatigued]] for 1 round. If this ability is used consecutively for 3 or more round, the target is left [[SRD:Exhausted|exhausted]] for 1 minute for each round of consecutive strangulation.
: ''Throw Opponents:'' The verdant channeler make an opposed grapple check against the grappled character, if she is successful the grapple end and creature fly 1d6 + your [[Charisma]] or [[Wisdom]] modifier x 5 feet and land prone unless it succeed a DC 20 Balance check. The creature take falling damage as appropriate. She may only use Throw Opponent on a creature of her size or smaller.
'''{{Anchor|Vital Resistance}} {{Su}}:''' A 4th level Verdant Channeler's link to the green allow her to resist force which would kill her. She gain resistance to negative energy equal to her class level and DR/Cold Iron 3.

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