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Quick Draw, Tome (3.5e Feat)

190 bytes removed, 03:25, 13 December 2018
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|date_created=2nd June 2015
|balance=Very High
<onlyinclude>{{Tome Combat Feat
|name=Swift Quick Draw, Tome
|summary=You can draw items on yourself really fast increasingly quickly, become difficult to disarm and attack with them fastercan strike extremely quickly.
|bab0=You can draw or sheath a weapons as a free action usable out of your turn. You can even draw hidden weapon that way, additionally you can attempt to conceal a weapon as a free move action without penalty.|bab1=You can do Iaijutsu, once per round may draw any items on you can draw as a weapon free action, even in magical containers such as part of an attack declaring an iaijutsu strike. Creatures without uncanny dodge are denied their [[dexteritySRD:Handy Haversack|Handy Haversack]] to AC against this attack and it deal 1d6 extra damage per two points or other extradimensional storage. You gain the benefits of your base attack bonus against creatures denied their the [[dexterityImproved Rearm (3.5e Feat)|Improved Rearm]] modifier to AC. If the attack hit multiple target or someone does more than one hit only the first target/hit benefits from iaijutsu strikefeat. |bab6=When Once per round you may draw a weapon out as part of attacking, if you do this attack deal your turn you can make a single base attack bonus as an immediate action (bonus precision damage against a creature you are flanked or two if you have is denied it [[Two-Weapon Fighting (3.5e Feat)|two-weapon fightingDexterity]]). You can retrieve any object on yourself (including in bags of holding or handy haversack) as a free action, although it still provoke an attack of opportunitymodifier.|bab11=Once per Whenever you end your turn when drawing , you may sheath you weapon or store a weapon you can move your speed single item on yourself as a nonaction. |bab16=You can now use make item appears in your iaijutsu strike hand essentially instantaneously, this allow you to draw items in a grapple and you drawing an item do not trigger a number of time per round equal readied action or contingency. You become unable to your [[dexterity]], [[intelligence]] or [[wisdom]] modifier, whichever is higherbe disarmed as long as you are conscious.

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