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''{{Anchor|Agile Combatant}}:'' This style grant the [[SRD:Weapon Finesse|Weapon Finesse]] feat as a bonus feat and reduce the ACP of all armor she wear by half her class level. She add one-third of her class level to the Max Dexterity of any masterwork armor she wears.
''{{Anchor|Armorclad Juggernaut}}:'' While wearing medium and heavy armor, the Savage Ronin's speed is unaffected and she gain a +4 bonus to her [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|Intimidate]] checks. At the start of every encounter, she gain two temporary hit points per class levels which return once the encounter end.
''{{Anchor|Cheap-Shot Archer}}:'' This style grant the [[SRD:Point Blank Shot|Point Blank Shot]] feat as a bonus feat and allow the Savage Ronin to deliver precision damage from anywhere within her first range increment instead of 30 feet.
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Feat}}:''' At 2nd level, 4th level and each 4 levels thereafter a Savage Ronin gain a single bonus feat chosen from a specific list, she must meet the prerequisite of any feat she wishes to take with the exception of any feat marked with {{B}}. In order to qualify for the bonus feats on this list, she count her class level as fighter level and her base attack bonus as equal to her class level (if higher). The Savage Ronin choose her bonus feat from the following list: [[Bolster Technique (3.5e Feat)|Bolster Technique]], [[SRD:Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]]{{B}}, [[Counterstroke (3.5e Feat)|Counterstroke]], [[SRD:Deflect Arrows|Deflect Arrows]]{{B}}, [[Greater Sudden Blow (3.5e Feat)|Greater Sudden Blow]], [[SRD:Greater Weapon Focus|Greater Weapon Focus]], [[SRD:Greater Weapon Specialization|Greater Weapon Specialization]], [[High Risk Dodging (3.5e Feat)|High Risk Dodging]], [[SRD:Improved Feint|Improved Feint]]{{B}}, [[SRD:Improved Shield Bash|Improved Shield Bash]]{{B}}, [[SRD:Improved Trip|Improved Trip]]{{B}}, [[Lesser Sudden Blow (3.5e Feat)|Lesser Sudden Blow]], [[Mundane Contingency (3.5e Feat)|Mundane Contingency]], [[Quick Counter (3.5e Feat)|Quick Counter]], [[Sudden Blow (3.5e Feat)|Sudden Blow]], [[SRD:Weapon Specialization|Weapon Specialization]] or any <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[Ambush (3.5e Feat Type)|Ambush]]<nowiki>]</nowiki> feats or <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[Fury (3.5e Feat Type)|Fury]]<nowiki>]</nowiki> feats.
'''{{Anchor|Sash or Steel}} {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd level Savage Ronin gain her [[Charisma]] bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor, it is limited to her armor's max dexterity bonus much like her actual [[Dexterity]] bonus.
'''{{Anchor|Quick Iaijutsu}}:''' A 3rd level Savage Ronin gain [[SRD:Quick Draw|Quick Draw]] and [[Quick Sheathe (3.5e Feat)|Quick Sheathe]] as bonus feats.