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Alchemical Pumpkin Spice (3.5e Equipment)

42 bytes added, 00:40, 31 October 2018
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[[Summary::A popular spice used in pumpkin pie, this alchemical variant is intended for more strange use.]] It can be sprinkled on anything, literally anything edible or not, and make it taste like pumpkin spice. This provides a +5 alchemical bonus on checks to disguise the flavor of anything, and replaces the scent of any creature with the scent of pumpkin spice. Creatures tracking with scent get a +2 bonus on any rolls to locate said creature, but cannot differentiate from any pumpkin spice odors.
A single dose of pumpkin spice is enough to use on one meal, one Medium or smaller creature, or a 5 ft square, and the cost is for a vial with 10 doses. Alchemical pumpkin spice is applied as a standard action, and lasts for 24 hours.
[[SRD:Craft Skill|Craft]] (Alchemy) DC [[Craft DC::15]]. Market Price [[Cost::10 gp]].

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