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Puppeteer (Symbiote)
Physically, a puppeteer resembles a nudibranch, or sea slug, and usually glows faintly when outside of a host. A puppeteer can hover on its own, but needs a host to develop its latent skills and to survive in the mortal realm for any significant length of time (usually less than a week before being shunted back into the Dreamlands). Symbiote puppeteers usually are bound to a willing host through a ritualized surgery, which leaves a distinctive scar, usually in the chest or neck. Symbiotes often associate themselves with a specific mortal family, and union with the symbiote is often required for the heirs of such a family. Parasitic puppeteers usually enter through the mouth, so as to not leave any visible sign of their presence, and then suppress as much of the host's personality as possible.
A substantial number of puppeteers rebelled against their masters in the last Great Conunction, the majority of which have elected to form willing symbiotic relationships with mortals. Mechanically, there are few differences between puppeteers who possess unwilling hosts and those who bind with willing hosts, but both share an fascination with mortal sensory experiences, and either become very creative or very hedonistic in the absence of external restraint. Most R'lyehian Puppeteers opt may choose to bind with one host onlycourt willing hosts, while some renegade branches bind themselves those serving powerful Aklo and Fremd lords usually groom one or more family lines to the heirs of a familyprovide them with successive hosts. Puppeteers loyal to the Fremd usually live in "vessels," normal humanoids physically and mentally modified to enhance Puppeteer powers while remaining largely docile.
:'''Starting Languages:''' Any, Minor Telepathy (other Fremd and Host only), understands Common and Aklo.
:'''Homelands:''' The Dreamlands.
:'''Racial Traits'''
:Combat Ability - Persuasive: Once per minute you may cast command (DC 11 + your HD) as a spell-like ability. Should your target fail the save, this effect lasts for only a single round. Note: Typically taken by Puppeteers who favor the hostile takeover approach. :Passive Ability - Keen Senses: If you are not surprised at the start of combat, none of the rest of your allies are and may act normally even in surprise rounds.:Support Ability - Fremd Alien Resilience: Once per encounter as a non-action upon being dealt damage by an enemy's attack or effect you may reduce the damage taken by a number equal to 3 + your HD.

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