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Wuxia Master (3.5e Feat)

342 bytes removed, 19:45, 7 July 2018
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|prereqs=<!-- All prerequisites, separated by commas -->
|bab0=You may use your [[Dexterity]] instead of your [[Strength]] on melee attack, melee damage roll and the DCs of abilities. If you have the Edge over an opponent you may also use your [[Dexterity]] instead of your [[Strength]] on combat maneuvers. This count as [[SRD:Weapon Finesse|Weapon Finesse]] for for the purpose of prerequisites.
|bab1=You gain an additional number of attacks of opportunity per round equal to your [[Dexterity]] modifier. Once per you round you may expend an attack of opportunity for the round to gain the benefits of the [[Armed Deflect Arrows (3.5e Feat)|Armed Deflect Arrow]] feat. If you already possess the feat this allow you to deflect an additional ranged attack or a single melee attack. This count as both [[Armed Deflect Arrows (3.5e Feat)|Armed Deflect Arrow]] and [[SRD:Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]] feats for the purpose of prerequisites.
|bab6=You can now move and stand on surface that cannot support you, such as thin branches or water for 1 consecutive round per character level before you need proper footing. If you exceed this duration you fall as normal. This ability also allow you to ignore difficult terrain for the same duration.
|bab11=When you make a full attack you gain total cover from ranged attacks until the start of your next turn. This does not grant you protection from attacks that cannot be normally deflected.

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