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Power Core (3.5e Feat)

31 bytes added, 07:19, 12 June 2018
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|fluff=The equipment powers up at your touch, needing neither electricity nor fuel.
|benefit=The bonus granted by this feat is based on hit dice.
* '''1 HD''': You generate power for equipment on touch, replicating the required electricity, fuel, or other substance needed to fuel any object for normal operation. Certain very large or very power intensive items such as attempting to power an entirely entire city block may be are above your abilities.
* '''4 HD''': As a move action you can charge your own body with electricity for 1 round. Any creature that strikes you in melee with an unarmed strike, natural weapon, metal object, or grapples you takes 1d6 points of electricity damage plus +1 per HD on hit.
* '''8 HD''': Your ability to power objects now extends out to a 20 ft radius, and you can choose what is and isn't powered. As a non-action, you can choose to have any electrical effects which occur in the area to affect you instead as if you were the target or the center of the effect. This does not provide any immunity or resistance.
* '''12 HD''': You can now animate devices and objects even if they do not require fuel. This duplicates ''[[Animate Objects, Variant (3.5e Spell)|variant animate objects]]'' at will as a spell-like ability. You can only have one instance of the temporary version at a time, or up to your HD in permanent versions at a time. You can dismiss a previous version as a free action.
* '''16 HD''': Your ability to power objects (but not absorb electrical effects) now extends out to a 100 ft radius, and can now power even unusually large or powerful machines and devices, as long as they fit within the radius. Your 4 HD ability can now be done as a move or a swift action.

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