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|lvl3=You may automatically extend up to your [[SRD:Intelligence|Intelligence]] modifier in spells per day. When you have extended a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier, you must wait until one of those spells ends before extending another.
|lvl6=All your spell durations increase to the next longest duration. Rounds become minutes, minutes become ten minutes, ten minutes becomes hours, and hours become 24 hours (if your Caster Level exceeds 24, you may instead choose to use them as hours per level).
|lvl9=You may designate up to your casting stat modifier (if you have more than one, use the one that determines your bonus spells) in spells as permanently active. Their duration becomes permanent (D). To designate another such spell when you have your casting stat modifier in spells made permanent by this ability, you must dismiss a permanent spell. This ability does not affect the needed concentration to maintain a spell. If you cease concentration on a spell it will last only as long as it would normally last without concentration.