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Hypnotism, Greater (3.5e Spell)

451 bytes added, 21:52, 25 April 2018
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|casttime=1 Round
|dur=Concentration, up to 1 minute/level2d4 Rounds
|subj=Several living creatures, no two of which may be more than 30 ft. apart
This spell function as the [[SRD:Hypnotism|''hypnotism'']] spell except for the changes above and that you can affect an unlimited amount of hit diceequal to your caster level +4. You may give a brief unreasonable requests to hypnotized creatures, however doing so allow them to make an additional [[Will]] save every time they attempt to fulfill the request, on a success they are no longer forced to follow the request. A successful save break the effect, the target however do not realize why it attempted to do so as they forget the time they spent hypnotized. If the request is suicidal, the target will gain a [[Will]] save as they are about to attempt. If they succeed they do not follow through and effect is broken. If they fail they attempt it and the effect is broken as well. The same apply to a request which is completely contrary to the target's nature.</onlyinclude>

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