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True Arcanist (3.5e Prestige Class)

No change in size, 23:24, 2 March 2018
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'''{{Anchor|Grand Arcanist}}:''' You achieved grand accomplishment in your research of Raw Magic Manipulation, and now you can store magic within yourself without incurring constitution drain and risk of explosion, excess energy will disperce harmlessly. You also can use Arcane Fire without recieving damage to yourself. You now can choose to explode willingly, dealing 10d6 of damage per stored unit of Magic Energy to everything within 40 ft. Dying this way would completely destroy your body and damage your soul, so you can be resurrected only by True Resurrection or Wish/Miracle spells.
'''{{Anchor|True Arcanist}}:''' At 10th level, you are freed yourself from the constraints of the Weave completely. Now you can cast all of your spells using raw magic, independent of the Weave. You no long have limited spells per day, allowing you to cast your spells at will, but to cast spells this way you must succeed on both a DC (5055+Spell level) Concentration check AND a DC (5055+Spell level) Spellcraft check. The resulting spell will be cast with -10 CL penalty. You cannot use Metamagic feats normally with this method, but you can mimic any Metamagic feat you know, but doing so will increase the Concentration DC and the Spellcraft DC by another 5 for every additional spell slot metamagic normally increases and the Caster Level is reduced by another -5 for each metamagic feat applied. You can still use the Weave (and thus your spell slots) normally, however. By eschewing the Weave, you have completely offended Mystra, the goddess of Weave, so beware the wrath of her and her followers.

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