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Ranged Soulblade (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

128 bytes removed, 04:06, 26 February 2018
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|class= Soulblade or [[Codex Soulblade (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)|Codex Soulblade]]
|level=1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th
|replaces=Weapon Proficiency, Mind Blade, Throw Mind Blade, Rapid Draw, Multiple Throw Or Soul Slash for [[Codex Soulblade (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)|Codex Soulblade]]
|benefit= You are no longer proficient with any form of melee weapon, but are proficient with all simple and martial ranged weapons.
'''Throw Mind Projectile:''' At first level you gain the ability to throw your mind projectile at the same range as the weapon you have formed the projectile from. Due to the reduced energy needed to form a projectile compared to a full weapon and you can reform the projectile after as a free action. This means that ranged soulblades can make use of all iterative attacks including those granted by feats such as [[SRD:Rapid Shot|Rapid Shot]] . If you later gain the ability to take attacks of opportunity with a ranged weapon you can take them with a mind projectile. This count as Throw Mind Blade for the purpose of prerequisites.
'''Rapid Armor Don:''' At 5th level the ranged Soulblade can now don his mind armor as per the Rapid Draw ability.

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