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'''{{Anchor|Darkvision (Su)}}:''' You gain Darkvision 60 ft. This bonus adds to any existing range you have, or will have.
'''{{Anchor|Delicious Kiss (Su)}}:''' You may use this ability when kissing, or during any other act of passion with the victim of opposite gender. If the target is not willing to be kissed, he/she must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. The victim is dazed for 1 round, the individual with the Greater Succubus bloodline is treated as though he/she has just consumed a good meal. The victim feels as though the experience was highly pleasurable, but is not under any supernatural compulsion to allow another kiss.
'''{{Anchor|Suggestive Kiss (Su)}}: '''Your kisses now may contain the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another kiss from him/her. The save DC is (15+Cha bonus) Will to negate the effects of suggestion.
'''{{Anchor|Deadly Kiss (Su)}}:''' You may choose to either paralyze your victim for 1/minute per Caster level, or slay them instantly. For either it is a (15+Cha bonus) Fortitude save. You may only use this ability 3 times per day.
'''{{Anchor|Lust (Su)}}:''' Your touch can incite overwhelming lust and pleasure in any corporeal living creature of opposite gender. The victim must make a DC (20+Cha bonus) Will save or suffer a -20 penalty on grapple checks against you.
'''{{Anchor|Loving Caress (Su)}}:''' Your caress will charm any creature of opposite gender for . After 1d3 hours. After this time of caress that mortal creature will be enamored with you permanently. A will save DC (20+Cha bonus) negates this ability. You can have only (10+Cha bonus) creatures so charmed at so <em>charmed</em> at any given time. <em>Dispel magic has magic</em> has no effect on a victim, though break enchantment frees though <em>break enchantment</em> frees him/her. (Treat yours your caster level as your character level for this purpose)
'''{{Anchor|Alternate Form (Su)}}:''' You can assume any humanoid form of Small, Medium or Large size of your gender as a standard action. This ability is similar to the ''polymorph self'' spell but allows only humanoid forms. While using this ability, you gain a +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks.