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Privileged Youth (3.5e Flaw)

61 bytes added, 07:28, 10 February 2018
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|effect= If you wear anything but a [[SRD:Noble's Outfit|Noble's Outfit]] or [[SRD:Royal Outfit|Royal Outfit]], you suffer a -2 armor check penalty from the scratching an itching. If you do not wear at least 100 gp worth of jewelry and luxury item per character level on yourself you take -1 morale penalty to all d20 check (the noble outfit and royal outfit count toward that amount). If you rest in a substandard place you take a -1 morale penalty to d20 checks for the next day, this penalty stack with the previous penalty (this include places without access to washing station, a comfortable beds and similar amenities).
Additionally nonhostile creatures of lower class , underworld criminals, rebels and enemy of the establishment start out one step less friendly to you (to a minimum of unfriendly). This is only the starting mood, and may change over time.
|benefit=A {{Property Link|Flaw Grants|Dungeons and Dragons Wiki:Article Balance#Moderate Balance|Moderate bonus feat}} or lower for which you meet the prerequisites.

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