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Kerbal (3.5e Race)

326 bytes added, 08:41, 22 December 2017
Racial Traits
|specialtext3=Kerbals gain [[SRD:Diehard|Diehard]] as a bonus feat.
|special4=Excess Frightful Courage
|specialtext4=Kerbals do not fear death! They gain one of the following two abilities: :''No Fear:'' The kerbal is immune to fear. :''Time to Panic:'' The kerbal takes a +-4 bonus penalty on saves [[Will]] saving throws against fear[Fear] effects. Whenever they would be frightened, they are shaken instead. Whenever they would be panicked or cowering, they are shaken and gain [[Fearful Bravery (3staggered instead.5e Feat)|Fearful Bravery]] as a bonus feat However their panic-prone mines make them unable to be controlled, rendering them immune to compulsions.
===Vital Statistics===

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