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User:Leziad/Minstrel (3.5e Class)

2 bytes removed, 19:51, 15 December 2017
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''{{Anchor|Virtuoso}}:'' You gain an extra virtuous performance known and the [[#Stardom|Stardom]] [[#Talented Discovery|Talented Discovery]] at 1st level.
'''{{Anchor|Virtuous Performance}} ({{Ex}} or {{Su}}):''' A Minstrel is able to produce a wide array of extraordinary and magical performances that enhance allies and negatively impact enemies. In order to start a virtuous performance, the Minstrel must make a DC 15 [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] check; she may take 10 when she is not in combat, even if the situation is stressful. If she fails to start her performance, it does not waste any rounds or daily uses of the ability. A minstrel can cast spells while performing, but must succeed on a [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] check, DC equal to 15 + spell level, or the spell fails and she wastes the action, although not the spell slot or any resources that the spell would have used.
Starting a virtuous performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained every round as a free action. Once a virtuous performance is started, the Minstrel may switch between different performances as a free action once per round at the start of her turn. She may maintain her Virtuous Performances for a total number of rounds each day equal to 5 + twice her class level + her [[Charisma]] modifier, which she can spread as she wishes through the use of all of her virtuous performances.

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