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|fluff=You can be a good guy, a bad guy or an ugly guy (or gal), but your fighting style you learned back west.
|benefit=Archetype Feats grant benefits based on HD:
* '''1 HD''': You gain proficiency with the Revolver ([[Handgun (3.5e Equipment)|Handgun]]), [[Sawed Off Shotgun (3.5e Equipment)|Sawed Off Shotgun]] and Lasso ([[SRD:Whip|Whip]]). You may draw a weapon as a free action that provoke an attack of opportunity. If you possess [[SRD:Quick Draw|Quick Draw]] you gain a +4 bonus on your initiative when your weapon is sheathed.
* '''3 HD''': You gain the [[Lasso (3.5e Skill Trick)|Lasso]] skill trick and may use it as a swift action (both to ensnare and move ensnared creature), it does not count against your total limit of skill tricks. After you successfully use the [[Lasso (3.5e Skill Trick)|Lasso]] skill trick to drag a creature adjacent to you you may start a grapple as a free action.
* '''8 HD''': You gain a form of Death Attack, much like an [[SRD:Assassin|Assassin]]. Instead of the normal observation time, you must observe your foe for 3 rounds with your weapon sheathed without making any attacks. This death attack does not fail if the target recognize you as an enemy or if you cannot deliver a sneak attack. After the observation period you must immediately draw your weapon and make a single attack in the same round, otherwise the attempt is wasted. If you hit the creature must make a a [[Fortitude]] save (DC 10 +1/2 HD + your [[Dexterity]] modifier) or die outright. A creature immune to [death]-effect or critical hit is immune to this death attack.