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Heroes Never Die (3.5e Maneuver)

189 bytes added, 20:17, 2 October 2017
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|summary= Show some Mercy.
|fluff= "Screw your ult, I'm the support class, fuccboi."
|text= Target any number of creatures that are either living, or have died within one minute, within 100 ft. The living creatures have [[SRD:Heal|Heal]] cast on them, or [[SRD:Harm|Harm]] if they react to negative energy better than positive(such as an undead), and the dead ones are affected as though by [[SRD:True Resurrection|True Resurrection]], with the exception that the casting time is instantaneous. This maneuver provokes attacks of opportunity, and requires a Concentration check to maintain if you are struck while you use it. This maneuver can only be used once per encounter, no matter how many times it's refreshed.
This is a supernatural ability.

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