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User:Xandar/Complete Alchemy/Reagents Compendium

2,413 bytes added, 08:50, 29 August 2017
Reagent List: Forgot to add a detail previously relevant to the Reagents list. Fixed.
|'''Zephyr Berry''' ||Any : Any ||Elusive ||500-750Gp ||Zephyr berries are useless to Herbalism, as their effects are too weak to be harnessed by consuming the berries or adding them to poultices, though some claim to be capable of taking additional Swift or Immediate Actions because they’ve consumed a few. ||Small Bunches of Zephyr Berries grow on the Zephyr Bush, which themselves grow in seemingly random locations as they have no native environment. Zephyr berries bear extreme resemblance to Juniper berries, including their hardness, though having a pale green color instead of blue. Zephyr Berries most common use is to brew a potion that allows the drinker to move faster than before for a time, but when combined with the right Reagents can result in a Potion that mimics the effects of Haste. ||Speed ||Capable of being prepared in different ways with different effects. One, Five Zephyr Berries collectively grant an Additional +10 Feet per round in Movement speed bonuses. Two, Five Zephyr Berries collectively grant an Additional Round of the Haste effect, and +5Ft per round in movement speed per 5 Berries. ||N/A ||N/A
:'''Reagents that can be Inverted with Drovumperre:'''
::''Aurum Nectar:'' Makes a Highly Slick Grease-like Substance that isn't remotely sticky, and makes things very difficult to grasp instead. When exposed to cold temperatures, it will harden again, but will melt even at room temperature. If slathered over a wall, it's near impossible to climb. If a floor is covered with it and a target walks upon it, DC 20 Reflex to maintain footing. If the Target Runs across it, DC 30 Reflex to maintain footing.
::''Healing Reagents (Elfroot, Black Cohosh, Ember Hearts, etc):'' Their Effects are directly inverted, damaging as much as they would have previously healed.
::''Byssodica:'' Creates a Vulnerability to the Energy Paired with Byssodica, Vulnerability to Energy Makes the victim take Half the energy based damage Up to the Vulnerability Number. (Example: Vulnerability to Fire 15, Target takes 50 Fire Damage from any source, target will then take an additional 15 Fire damage instead of 25 as per Normal Vulnerability rules. If they were to have a Vulnerability of 15 and only take 20 Fire damage however, they would take the full 50%, 10 Damage)
::''Cofus Powder:'' Can be used to clear confusion from a person.
::''Durus Thorns:'' Can soften Natural Armor in the consumer.
::''Fortuna Salts:'' Inverts the luck effect to a bad-luck effect without the rerolls.
::''Nervoro Needles:'' Will Cure Paralysis Effects.
::''Phantasia Root:'' Will End Hallucination effects whose severity it matches.
::''Pondero Pollen:'' Inverts Spell resistance, for the purposes of this effect, treat the spell as though it were of a Higher Caster Level than it really is. Take the Spell Resistance, Halve it, and use the resulting number for the purposes of calculating the higher Caster Level.
::''Sidus Thistle:'' Will take away Daily spell slots from those who consume this combination.
::''Taggit Root:'' Will Immediately wake someone from an Unconscious state.
::''Torpor Lilac:'' Will wake someone from sleep, and prevent them from being put to sleep by any source for the duration it would have otherwise made them sleep for.
::''Zephyr Berry:'' Will Slow Movement speed by Half for every five Zephyr Berries (Half, Quarter, Eighth, Sixteenth, etc) to a point where a person is unable to move (Determine when their movement speed is below Five feet) or Slow (As per the Spell) a target for the duration of the effect.

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