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Black Swan's Bravado (3.5e Feat)

309 bytes removed, 18:26, 25 August 2017
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''BOOM! Headshot!:'' If one of your firearm attacks brings a creature to -10 hit points or lower, you may also have it decapitate the target (as a [[SRD:Vorpal|vorpal]] weapon).
''Excessive Recoil KnockbackShooting the Air:'' This tactical maneuver can only be used if you wield As a two-handed firearm. Once per turnstandard action while not in combat, you may cause one of your attacks to deal an extra 2d6 damage; howeverfire in the air, expending ammo as if you had attacked three times. Upon doing so you are moved 10 feet in the direction away from the target and fall make an [[SRD:ProneIntimidate Skill|proneIntimidate]]check against all non-allied creatures within 60 feet. If the attack hits, the target must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half your base attack bonus + Any creature successfully intimated of 3 HD or less become [[DexteritySRD:Frightened|Frightened]] modifier) , creature of 4 HD or also fall higher who are intimidated are instead [[SRD:ProneAt Bay (3.5e Condition)|proneAt Bay]]from you. This effect last for 10 minutes.
''Shooting in the Air'Snap Shot:'' As ' You may make a standard ranged attack as an immediate action while not in combat, you at a -5 penalty. You may fire in the air, expending ammo as if you had attacked three times. Upon doing do so you make an [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|Intimidate]] check against all noneven when caught flat-allied creatures within 60 feet. Any creature successfully intimated of 3 HD or less become [[SRD:Frightened|Frightened]], creature of 4 HD or higher who are intimidated are instead [[At Bay (3.5e Condition)|At Bay]] from you. This effect last for 10 minutesfooted.
|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->

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