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Ashilon Baelfire, Scourge Of Fury (3.5e NPC)

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|san1=[[Scourge_Warlock_(3.5e_Feat)#At-Wills | Hellish Rebuke]] |sad1=As an attack option (Meaning he can make a full attack with it), Ashilon can make a ranged touch attack, dealing 5d6 damage (Usually modified with Brimstone Blast). The target takes half of 5d6 damage every round for 6 rounds thereafter, with a Fort save for half.
|san2=[[Scourge_Warlock_(3.5e_Feat)#Secondary_Powers | Pillar of Power]] |sad2=Ashilon can create a pillar of energy in his square. While he stands in the pillar, his effective Warlock level for determining the strength of his abilities is increased by 4 until the beginning of his next turn, at which point the pillar explodes outward, dealing 16d6 damage (Usually modified with Brimstone Blast) in a 30ft burst centered on himself (Reflex half). Once used, this cannot be used again for 5 rounds.
|san3=[[Scourge_Warlock_(3.5e_Feat)#Daily_Powers | Gates Of Hell]] |sad3=Ashilon can create a hellgate in any unoccupied square within 220 ft. Starting in the round in which it is created, it deals 12d6+10% 60 damage (Ref half) to each creature (Except Ashilon himself) in a 5ft line that stretches from the hellgate's square to Ashilon's (As long as he remains within range). Moving makes the beam of energy pass over enemies, subjecting them to the damage. Targets killed by this ability are reduced to ash and cannot be raised. This ability can be used 3/day, but no more than once per encounter; However, for every 10 enemies killed by this ability during an encounter, the Warlock regains one use of the power, so long as the enemies were of a CR of at level the Warlock's level -3.

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