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Masterwork Smith (3.5e Feat)

11 bytes added, 16:58, 2 April 2017
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|prereqs=<!-- All prerequisites, separated by commas -->
|skill0=You gain a +3 bonus on all [[SRD:Craft Skill|craft]] checks and craft mundane items twice as fast as normal.
|skill4=You gain the benefits of the [[Improved Masterwork (3.5e Feat)|Improved Masterwork]] feat and can add an additional item template to any items you craft.
|skill9=You gain the benefits of [[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magic Arms and Armor]]; if you already posses the feat or later gain it, you gain another [item creation] feat you meet the prerequisites of instead.
|skill14=The crafting time of both mundane and magic items you craft is reduced to a maximum of 8 hours unless it would normally be faster.|skill19=Items When you craft are almost artifacts in durability; increase their hardness a magic item you may designate it as a lesser artifact, making it invulnerable to damage (but you and hit points as if their the DM must agree on a method of destruction). You may craft a number of artifact equal to 1/3rd your character level total enhancement bonus was twice as high.