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Monastic Knife (3.5e Feat)

140 bytes removed, 02:15, 14 December 2016
Undo revision 264971 by Amdillae (talk)
|prereqs= Form Mind Blade, Shape Mind Blade, [[SRD:Stunning Fist|Stunning Fist]], [[SRD:Improved Unarmed Strike|Improved Unarmed Strike]]
|fluff= Monks strive to master the weapon that is their own body, soulknives manifest weapons from thier mind, Monastic Knives fuse these together.
|benefit=You add your Soulknife and Monk levels to determine your mind blade's enhancement bonus as well as your unarmed strike damage, unarmored speed bonus and AC bonus. The Ki Focus weapon enhancement is added to the allowed weapon enhancements for the soulknife and works even when the mind blade is used as a ranged weapon. Any special abilities that would be delivered through or modify an unarmed strikes may now be used with In addition your mind blade (such as the Snap KickToB or Stunning Fist feats, but not things such as grappling) is considered a special monk weapon and you may freely multiclass between monk and soulknife levels. You must still remain lawful in order to retain your monk abilities and take monk levels. You still face the normal XP penalties for having multiple classes more than one level apart.
|special= This may be taken as one of your monk bonus feats.

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