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689 bytes added, 12:37, 6 December 2016
Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Chaos God}}:''' Chose your lord of Chaos Khorne: God of War, Tzeentch: God of Magic, Nurgle: God of Diesease, Slaanesh: God of Pleasure
'''{{Anchor|Mutation}} {{Su}}:''' Your body mutates in some way Weather or not it's helpful is a different StoryRoll 1d100 All of these force you to become what it is permanently1-5: Natral attack (roll a d8 and gain the appropriate Natural attack Apperance 1d9 (Fur, Horns, Fangs, Scales, Eye color, Spiked Spine, Skin color, Rotting, Flaming Skull)11-15: Frightful apperence 1d2 (skeleton"All organs are still there", Transparent Skin)16-20: Elemental Affinity 1d4 (Cold, Fire, Electricity, Acid) Resistance 2*level21-25: 26-30:31-35:36-40:41-45:46-50:51-55:56-60:61-65:66-70:71-75:76-80:81-85:86-90:91-95:96-100: re-roll twice and take both if re-rolled again keep going and gain additional ones each time
'''{{Anchor|Gift of The Gods}} {{Su}}:''' The Gods of chaos Grants Boons As your Devotion Comes to Frutition
'''{{Anchor|Chaos Knight}} {{Su}}:''' A Chaos Warrior obtains a new Title Granting a +2 Intimidate and a Trusty Steed that follows him "Ex: Heavy war horse"
'''{{Anchor|Aspiring Champion of Chaos}} {{Su}}:''' The Chaos knight Ascends Further down the Line of Chaos with a new title of terror Increasing his Intimadate to a +4, Gain Leadership feat
'''{{Anchor|Champion of Chaos}} {{Su}}:''' As he Becomes a Champion he Gains a new Title to spread his Dark Deeds, +8 intimidate And he Obtains a new Deamonic Steed to replace his old, So apply the Feindish template
'''{{Anchor|Exalted Champion of Chaos}} {{Su}}:''' He ascends to a beckon of chaos and Receives a +16 intimidate as He has the presence of his god to back him and he bypasses immunity to fear within 30ft Creatures that are immune to fear Gain a +4 against saves to deal with fear in his presence His steed is replaced by a draconic Steed that he rides, Give a horse Feindish, and make it a true dragon And give it wings with it's speed scaling with dragon size and increase it's HD to 10 but it's size stays large