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Cowboy (3.5e Feat)

580 bytes removed, 13:48, 1 November 2016
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|date_created=7th December 2015
|status=Almost Finished
<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Feat
|summary=You are a cowboy or a cowgirl, that make you good at particular things.
|fluff=You can be a good guy, a bad guy or an ugly guy (or gal), but your fighting style you learned back west.
|benefit=Archetype Feats grant benefits based on HD:
* '''1 HD''': You can draw start with exotic weapon proficiency with one pistol or sheath weapons as a free action usable out rifle and gain the benefits of your turn. You can even draw hidden weapon that way, additionally you can attempt to conceal a weapon as a free action without penalty[[SRD:Quick Draw|Quick Draw]]. Additionally you gain the [[Lasso (3.5e Skill Trick)|lasso]] skill trick and may use it as a swift action (both to ensnare and move ensnared creature), it does not count against your total limit of skill tricks.* '''3 HD''': You become proficient with all martial and simple firearms, you do not take penalties from firing Make a firearm mounted and you must choose between Desperado, Marksman or Rifleman::''Desperado:'' You gain [[Two-Weapon Fighting, MS Variant (3.5e Feat)|MS Two-Weapon Fighting]] feat when fighting with two one-handed or light firearm.:''Marksman:'' You gain the [[Sharpshooter (3.5e Feat)|Sharpshooter]] feat when fighting with ranged attack as a single one-handed or light firearm. standard action :''Rifleman:'' You gain the [[Codex Sniper (3within your first range increment.5e Feat)|Codex Sniper]] feat when fighting with a two-handed firearm. * '''8 HD''': You This attack deal half weapon damage, however you may make a combat maneuvers maneuver (such as [[SRD:Disarm|bull rush, disarm]], [[SRD:Sunder|feint, grapple, sunder]] and [[SRD:Trip|, or trip]]) within your first increment with your ranged weapons, you use the ability score used in your ranged attacks (usually [[Dexterity]] ) instead of your [[Strength]] when making for this combat maneuvers with your ranged weaponsmaneuver.* '''15 8 HD''': As a standard action you may make a single attack with Increase the critical threat range of your firearm, if you hit it firearms by 1. This is an automatic added after any other effect which affect critical threat (you must still confirm as normal however)hit. * '''15 HD''': The 3 HD benefit now also apply to full-attacks.|example=
|special=If you ever stop qualifying for this feat, you can trade it for another archetype feat you meet the prerequisites.
{{3.5e Feats Breadcrumb}}

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