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Motivational Performer (3.5e Feat)

32 bytes added, 00:29, 13 September 2016
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|prereqs=Cha 13, Bardic Music class feature
|skill0=Choose two types of perform skills (such as song and dance), any points assigned to one skill applies to both. Additionally you gain a +2 synergy bonus when using both types in a single performance.
|skill4=When you use your bardic music to inspire, the effect lingers after you stop performing, lasting for one round per bard character level, to a maximum of 10 rounds. Does not stack with the ''Lingering Song<sup>CAdv</sup>'' feat.
|skill9=Initiating your bardic music is now a move action instead of a standard action. You may cast spells, activate magic items such as wands or scrolls, and other concentration-requiring activities without interrupting your bardic music.
|skill14=Maintaining your bardic music is now a swift action instead of a standard action. If it was already a swift action, you may do so as a free action. You may use a perform check instead of a concentration check when casting defensively, taking damage, etc.

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