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Sadmad Point-Buy (3.5e Variant Rule)

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These are example ability score arrays for 32-point Sadmad Point-Buy. This power level is suited to highly skilled and naturally talented folks in an otherwise fairly realistic world. This point buy is recommended for your average 'adventurer' style character and is the standard for mid-level power.
*'''18-10-10-10-8-8''' — 22 pts (3.5e), 13 pts (PF)
*'''17-12-12-10-9-8''' — 24 pts (3.5e), 14 pts (PF)
*'''16-14-12-10-10-8''' — 24 pts (3.5e), 15 pts (PF)
*'''15-14-13-12-11-8''' — 26 pts (3.5e), 16 pts (PF)
*'''15-14-12-12-10-10''' — 26 pts (3.5e), 16 pts (PF)
*'''14-14-14-12-12-9''' — 27 pts (3.5e), 18 pts (PF)

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