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Elemental Airship (3.5e Monster)

1 byte added, 05:13, 16 July 2016
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The elemental airship is a sort of magical wondrous architecture which is also a construct, of sorts. It is build of wood, stone, steel, and fabric and imbued with multiple elementals which provide thrust, heat air for lift, provide wind under their wings, reinforce the structure, and generate steam for its engine. Straddling the line between magic item and creature, the elemental airship has no will of its own and requires a crew to direct it.
The airship is capable of dim autopilot, being able to be set to a course and running this course on its own with its own ability scores. It is capable of understanding common, aquaaquan, auran, ignan, and terran but does not speak. It is about 70 ft long and 20 ft wide, and weighs 10,000 lbs.
=== Combat ===

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