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Bleeding Edge (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Races

121 bytes added, 09:48, 14 June 2016
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Arising from the vast desert and the rare fertile river or oasis, lizardfolk are a species bred to survive the harsh heat and biting cold that the desert brings to them. Because few wish to venture in the desert, their homelands remain mysterious to many. It is rumored that their very cities prowl the desert as if they were alive, always moving and thus always difficult to find. The lizardfolk have a great number of rangers and druids within their rank as well, for they have mastered nature and often employ animals and the rare plant into their very technology. They typically are seen in the form of traders and messengers, wearing strange robes and carrying curved swords.
It is recommended that you use the [[Lizardfolk, Nile (3.5e Race)|nile lizardfolk]] in place of traditional lizardfolk.

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