The Beast-Possessed is an inhertited template which can only be added to any non-mindless non-construct creature.
<!The Beast-- Is this template an acquired template or Possessed is an inherited template? To what creatures (referred to hereafter as the base creature) which can this template only be applied? added to any non-mindless non->construct creature.
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[[Summary::Legend speak of terrible creature, monster assuming the guise of men.]] Those creatures, sometime said to be close to lycanthrope turn from man to monster but are otherwise fully capable of masquerading as normal member of their race until it too late. Some scholar theorize that they have a primeval soul, or perhaps the spirit of a long slain beast is influencing them.
=== Creating a Beast-Possessed Creature ===
'''Hit Dice:''' All current and future HD become d12s. If they already possess a d12 HD, they instead gain a +2 hp bonus for each d12 they possessed. This does not affect Level Adjustment Dice.