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Fiery Eye Shield (3.5e Equipment)

144 bytes added, 02:07, 3 February 2016
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''The eye open opens upon those who strike true at the righteous.'' -Shield Inscription
This +1 [[SRD:Flaming|flaming]] [[Scorched Iron (3.5e Equipment)|scorched iron]] [[Greatshield (3.5e Equipment)|greatshield]] is adorned with a large flaming eye which seem seems to burn with intense flame. It is said it was once the emblem and favored tool of a long -forgotten order of paladins. Whenever a natural 20 is rolled on an attack against the bearer of the shield, an immediate [[SRD:Flame Strike|''flame strike'']] (DC 17) strike strikes the attacker, ; only creatures hostile to the paladin are harmed by the [[SRD:Flame Strike|''flame strike'']]. This happen happens before damage is rolled , and if it incapacitate incapacitates or kill kills the attacker , the attack will not connectbe negated (as in, the attack will be canceled and do nothing because the creature that was performing the attack is no longer capable of doing so).
Prerequisites: [[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magic Arms and Armor]], [[SRD:Flame Strike|''flame strike'']].<br/>

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