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|benefit=Archetype Feats grant benefits based on HD:
* '''1 HD''': You can draw or sheath weapons as a free action usable out of your turn. You can even draw hidden weapon that way, additionally you can attempt to conceal a weapon as a free action without penalty. Additionally you gain the [[Lasso (3.5e Skill Trick)|lasso]] skill trick and may use it as a swift action (both to ensnare and move ensnared creature), it does not count against your total limit of skill tricks.
* '''3 HD''': You become proficient with all martial and simple firearms, you do not take penalties from firing a firearm mounted and you must choose between Desperado and , Marksmanor Rifleman:
:''Desperado:'' You gain [[Two-Weapon Fighting, MS Variant (3.5e Feat)|MS Two-Weapon Fighting]] feat when fighting with two one-handed or light firearm.
:''Marksman:'' You gain the [[Sharpshooter (3.5e Feat)|Sharpshooter]] feat when fighting with a single one-handed or light firearm.
:''Rifleman:'' You gain the [[Codex Sniper (3.5e Feat)|Codex Sniper]] feat when fighting with a single one-handed or light firearm.
* '''8 HD''': You may make combat maneuvers (such as [[SRD:Disarm|disarm]], [[SRD:Sunder|sunder]] and [[SRD:Trip|trip]]) within your first increment with your ranged weapons, you use your [[Dexterity]] instead of your [[Strength]] when making combat maneuvers with your ranged weapons.
* '''15 HD''': As a standard action you may make a single attack with your firearm, if you hit it is an automatic critical threat (you must still confirm as normal however).