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Cowboy (3.5e Feat)

252 bytes added, 23:55, 7 December 2015
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:''Desperado:'' You gain [[Two-Weapon Fighting, MS Variant (3.5e Feat)|MS Two-Weapon Fighting]] feat when fighting with two one-handed or light firearm.
:''Marksman:'' You gain the [[Sharpshooter (3.5e Feat)|Sharpshooter]] feat when fighting with a single one-handed or light firearm.
* '''8 HD''': You may make [[SRD:Disarm|disarm]], [[SRD:Sunder|sunder]] and [[SRD:Trip|trip]] attempt within your first increment with your ranged weapons, you use your [[Dexterity]] instead of your [[Strength]] when making combat maneuvers with your ranged weapons.* '''15 HD''': As a standard action you may make a single attack with your firearm, if you hit it is an automatic critical threat (you must still confirm as normal however). * '''15 HD''':

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