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|summary=You shoot supremely well with a single hand.
|prereqs=Bab +111, [[SRD:Point Blank Shot|point blank shotPoint Blank Shot]], [[SRD:Precise Shot|precise shotPrecise Shot]], [[SRD:Weapon Focus|weapon focusWeapon Focus]] (One one-handed or light ranged weapon), [[SRD:Weapon Specialization|weapon specialization]] (same as weapon focus), Ranged Weapon Mastery<sup>[[Publication:Player's Handbook II|PHBII]]</sup>
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit=When wielding a single one-handed or light ranged weapon and nothing in the other hand you gain the following tactical maneuvers.:|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->|normal=|special=}}</onlyinclude>''Danger Zone:'' Once per turn as a free action you can choose one 10x10 square plus one per 6 points of base attack bonus within your first range increment. You threaten all squares contained in these danger zone, allowing you to take attacks of opportunity. Your opponents are automatically aware of any danger zone you declare.
''Piercing Shot:'' You ignore 1 point of natural armor or armor to AC per attacks granted by base attack bonus granted to you. Additionally your attacks pierce damage reduction pretty well, ignoring a single point of DR per point of base attack bonus and the damage dealt may not be reduced below your base attack bonus or the damage dealt (whichever is lower), regardless of the size of the damage reduction, immunity or abilities that lower damage dealt.
''Shot Through The Heart:'' As a standard action you make a single attack with a -4 penalty, if it hit it is multiply double the base weapon damage by 3 and the struck creature suffer immediate [[Bleedout (3.5e Condition)|bleedout]] (as if he took a number of [[Bleedout (3.5e Condition)|bleed]] points equal to his [[constitution]] score). Creatures without a circular system or heart are immune to this tactical maneuverboth the extra damage and the bleedout, only taking normal damage on a hit.
''Tag Shot:'' When you make a successful ranged attack you gain a +1 bonus to hit and a +2 bonus to damage rolls against the creature you struck, this bonus is cumulative(to a maximum of +3/+6). It automatically reset whenever you attack a different creature or miss an attack.|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->|normal=|special=}}</onlyinclude>