Adding to Wind Mage invocation list
| colspan="2" | Eldritch Essence [[Level::Warlock Lesser]]; 3rd
| colspan="2" | Essence [[Level::Wind Mage Lesser]]; 3rd
{{#set:Summary=Your ''eldritch blast '' or ''wind bullet'' prevents creatures from teleporting away.}}
Your ''eldritch blast '' or ''wind bullet'' deals damage, and carries the effect of ''[[SRD:Dimensional Anchor|dimensional anchor]]'', which affects the target for 10 minutes. Creatures which attempt to teleport are dealt your ''eldritch blast ''/''wind bullet'' damage and the teleportation fails.
If you hit an incorporeal creature with this essence, it forces them to become corporeal for 1 round. A ''wind bullet'' augmented with this invocation does not deal its normal pushback.
{{3.5e Warlock Invocations Breadcrumb}}<br/>{{3.5e Wind Mage Invocations Breadcrumb}}